2019: The Improvement and Maintenance of Automated Telemetry Stations


2019: HII has improved and maintained the Automated Telemetry Stations total of 947 stations, of which 234 stations are totally upgraded to version 4.0 and the rest of them are inspected and maintained to be ready to use. HII currently provide 591 Automated Weather Telemetry Stations and 356 Automated Water Level Telemetry Stations covering the whole country.

All collected data from HII’s Automated Telemetry Stations are processed at HII’s data center and publicly available at “www.thaiwater.net”, and “ThaiWater Mobile Application” (Android and iOS). The system can also send SMS to alert government agencies and stakeholders for preparation when critical water situations (e.g. heavy rain areas) which potentially lead to disasters are detected.

During fiscal year 2019, HII has developed and maintained Automated Telemetry Station to become more stable. Now the continuation of data transmission is more than 87% with more than 99% accuracy of SMS alerts to the related organization for preparation before the natural disaster.

Example from flood situation influence by tropical storm “Pabuk”
The Pabuk storm has formed from the South China Sea on 31 December 2018 and the data from Automated Telemetry Stations had reported accumulated rainfall data and heavy rain areas to the related organizations during 3 – 6 January 2019 via SMS 31 times, of which were 17 maximum surveillance alerts and 14 critical level alerts.