Goal of HII
Linkage and Integration
Analyze the effect of water and climate data from related organizations in order to develop National Hydroinformatics and Climate Data Center and provide data services”Read
to support water resource management for the nation
Research and development
Research and develop hydroinformatics technologies/ innovations and water resource management system
Promote the collaboration at the domestic and international level related to research and development in hydroinformatics technologies/ innovations
Transfer of research and development outcome
To present and transfer the Institute’s research and development findings for utilization by other agencies to increase their water resources management efficiency and to provide technology transfer services that are based on the Institute’s research and development findings for both domestic and international agencies in the public, private,”Read
community and people sectors for convenient and effective utilization with or without service charge.
Develop National Hydroinformatics and Climate Data Center
Develop National Hydroinformatics and Climate Data Center following national’s law or cabinet’s appointment