Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001)
Hydro-Informatics Institute (Public Organization) or HII and the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University have collaborated in developing Marine measurement telemetry technology. This includes collecting and creating oceanographic and environmental databases for model and research development. This collaboration also involves continuous, rapid, and responsive monitoring and surveillance of marine environmental quality.

The picture of Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001) at the Sriracha Fisheries Research Station, Chonburi Province
The Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001) includes:
The oceanographic measurement device records data and sends it through the internet network. A prototype marine measurement telemetry system has been installed at the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, at the Siracha Fisheries Research Station in Chonburi Province. This system is installed at a depth of approximately 6-7 meters and is about 1.5 kilometers away from the coastline.
This system operates in real-time, collecting data every 20 minutes and transmitting it through the 3G/4G cellular network every hour. The system records raw data and stores it in the datalogger, which operates using electrical power from batteries and a solar cell system.
The components of the station are divided into three main parts as follows:
1) Oceanographic data includes sea temperature, salinity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, water’s dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll-a concentration, turbidity, water level, significant wave height, maximum wave height, wave period, and water flow velocity.
2) Weather data comprises of air temperature, rainfall intensity, humidity, atmospheric pressure, dew point temperature, wind speed, and sunlight intensity. Various data are displayed through the website interface.

The picture shows main components of the Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001)
The measurement data consists of 2 main parts as below:
1) Oceanographic data includes sea temperature, salinity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, water’s dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll-a concentration, turbidity, water level, significant wave height, maximum wave height, wave period, and water flow velocity.
2) Weather data comprises of air temperature, rainfall intensity, humidity, atmospheric pressure, dew point temperature, wind speed, and sunlight intensity. Various data are displayed through the website interface.

The figure shows measurement data from the Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001)

The graph shows measurement data from the Marine Measurement Telemetry System (GOT001