HII attended the 6th General Assembly Meeting and presented the existing hydrodynamic models for climate problems with “NBS” measures in Thailand
During 25-26 November and 2-3 December 2021, Hydro-Informatics Institute (Public Organization) or HII, lead by Ms. Jarumon Limtipdara, Director of Technology and Digital Division, Dr. Surajate Boonya-aroonnet, Director of Hydro-Informatics Innovation Division, and representatives from Community Water Resource Management Division and Special Project, Collaboration and Corporate Communications Division, participated to the 6th General Assembly Meeting under the RECONECT (Regenerating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion) which is a major global project, led by IHE Delft and funded by the European Union.

The purpose of the project is to focus on the hydro-meteorological risk reduction with Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) which demonstrates the balance of People-Water-Nature.

During the meeting, HII, as one of the international collaborators, presented Community Resource Water Management in Rangsit, Chao Phraya basin and the implementation of the existing hydrodynamic models for water monitoring from the past, present, and also the future plan.